ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers and View Components

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Tag Helpers and View Components are new to ASP.NET Core and make building web pages with the Razor View Engine easier and more intuitive for both designers and developers. In this course, ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers and View Components, you will gain the ability build Tag Helpers, Tag Helper Components, and View Components which will lead to you and year team at being more productive in building Razor view pages. First, you will learn how to build your own Tag Helpers and View Components. Next, you will discover how to use all the built-in Tag Helpers provided by Microsoft. Finally, you will explore how to build your own advanced Tag Helper that incorporates dependency injection among other advanced capabilities. When you are fiished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Tag Helpers and View Components needed to both author your own Tag Helpers and View Components as well as efficiently use all the built in Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core.

